
How to Minimize Moving Stress

Whatever the circumstances are, moving is stressful. Collecting and boxing everything you own, cleaning your previous residence, and transporting everything across the city, province, nation, or world is a huge inconvenience with a lot of potential for extra anxiety. Several easy tips can make the moving process easier and faster for you, your business, or your family. Follow these guidelines to make moving smooth and hassle-free:

Label Effectively
As tempting as it can be to throw each item into a box and get it on the truck as soon as possible, labeling everything clearly will make your life much easier in the days after the move.

The most important guideline is to write your label clearly on the side of the box, not the top—that way you can always see where each box belongs. Use whatever labeling system works for you: write which room each box belongs to clearly on the side, label each room with a matching color tag, or number your boxes and keep a corresponding list.

Even though it would be preferable to keep your boxes stacked in the right order while moving, it’s not always possible (things can shift, fall over, or get mixed up in all the movement). When you use a clear labeling system that you understand, packing up your old home and organizing your new one will be much simpler.

Sort Before Packing
Don’t make the mistake of thinking that if you stuff everything in a box, you’ll have the time to sort through the clutter after the move! If you think you’re busy now, chances are you’ll feel the same way after you move—organizing a new home can be just as time-consuming as boxing up the old one.

Since many moving companies charge by weight, it’s also more frugal to get rid of some of that junk before you start packing. You could plan a yard sale in advance of your move, sell extra items online, or contact charity agencies to pick up old furniture or clothes from your curbside. Carting around a little extra money feels a lot better than carrying around old clutter!

Rent a Storage Unit
It can be hard to move everything in your house directly from one location to another. You might have too much stuff to fit in one moving truck, or, if you’re in the process of selling your house, you can improve your offers by removing some of that extra clutter. Renting a storage unit is an excellent solution.

At The Self Storage Place, our storage units come in 95 different sizes! From small cupboards all the way up to canisters that hold the contents of a 3-bedroom house and your car! We work closely with our customers to make sure you get the right storage unit with the right amount of space at the right price. Renting a storage unit from us is an affordable way to ensure your items’ safety during a move and to reduce clutter.

The Self Storage Place has a wide selection of sizes available. Check out our sample photo of sizes here or call for all of our available storage unit sizes.
Storage units are usually charged monthly, and The Self Storage Place is no exception. This makes renting a storage unit an affordable short-term solution to your moving woes—store extra items in our units for less mess at home and a less stressful move. Contact The Self Storage Place in Victoria, BC for all storing unit prices!



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Blog Posts from Victoria's The Self Storage Place

Read our blog to find tips, tricks and advice from The Self Storage Place. We will post information about moving and storage that will help you relieve stress, find out best ways to pack and how to get the most out of your storage and moving experience. Check back often for updates and give us a call when you are ready to move.
